

No.008 Losing Weight

Devon gives Todd advice on how to shed a few pounds.


リスニング本文 チェックシート MP3(音声ファイル) Category: Interviews Time: 1:30 Speaker: Devon


Todd: OK, Devon, I've been putting on a few pounds and you're quite a lean fit guy.

Devon: Well, thank you.

Todd: What do you recommend? What can I do to lose weight?

Devon: Well, I exercise a lot. I go running at least three times a week. But more than that I enjoy playing sports and so different sports use different muscles and all of it helps to lose that weight that you might have gained.

Todd: Yeah, well, actually, one of the problems is that I actually exercise a

Devon: Do ya?

Todd: Yeah, so maybe it's my diet.

Devon: It could be and so in that case you might want to eat something perhaps more nutritious or maybe even less of what you do eat. Maybe, I eat three meals a day and I try not to snack in between. No potato chips. No popcorn. No candy bars.

Todd: That's pretty tough!

Devon: It is tough but……Well, I must admit that I cheat every once in awhile but… Ok, I'll give it a try….but actually, you see my problem is that I like junk food. So I have to choose: either I eat less or I eat a better diet.

Todd: What do you think is more important?

Devon: I think that if you are exercizing then you should just eat what you want and eat less.

Todd: Eat less. OK. This is going to be tough!

Devon: Well, I have no dought that you will do the best that you can.

Todd: Alright! Thanks a lot Devon.



1)  Who is a lean fit guy?
a) Devon
b) Todd
c) Neither

2)  What does Devon do three times a week?
a) Swim
b) Yoga
c) Run

3)  How many meals does he eat a day?
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5

4)  What food does he avoid?
a) Candy Bars
b) Soda
c) Meat

5)  What advice does he give Todd?
a) Eat less
b) Eat better food
c) Run more