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No.022 The Bus Story

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Jessica recalls a funny story that happened to her on the school bus.



Todd: So, Jessica, you've got a brother named Kirk!

Jessica: Yes, that's right. He is two and a half years older than I am, and we get along very well now.

Todd: You get along very well now! How did you get along in the past?

Jessica: Not very well at all actually. He was always very mean and heartless, should we say.

Todd: What was the first thing you remember him doing to you?

Jessica: Perhaps the first thing was the time I fell asleep on the bus when I was on kindergarten. He actually left me there sleeping, and I didn't wake up until my lunch box fell on the ground, when the bus driver was parking in the bus garage. So anyway, yeah, I learned at that point not to really depend on him so much.

Todd: What did your mum say when you got home?

Jessica: My mom asked my brother,"Hey! Aren't you forgetting something?", referring to me, and he responded, "Hey! How did you know I forgot my homework!"



1)  How old is her brother?
a) Two years younger
b) Same age
c) Two years older

2)  Where did she all asleep?
a) School
b) The bus stop
c) On the bus

3)  When did she wake up?
a) After the bell rang
b) When the janitor came in
c) When the bus reached the garage

4)  What woke her up?
a) Cleaning sounds
b) Her lunch box fell
c) The alarm clock

5)  What did her brother think he forgot?
a) His homework
b) His football
c) His sister


Todd: So, Jessica, you've got a brother named Kirk!

Jessica: Yes, that's right. He is two and a half years older than I am, and we get along very well now.

Todd: You get along very well now! How did you get along in the past?

Jessica: Not very well at all actually. He was always very mean and heartless, should we say.

Todd: What was the first thing you remember him doing to you?

Jessica: Perhaps the first thing was the time I fell asleep on the bus when I was on kindergarten. He actually left me there sleeping, and I didn't wake up until my lunch box fell on the ground, when the bus driver was parking in the bus garage. So anyway, yeah, I learned at that point not to really depend on him so much.

Todd: What did your mum say when you got home?

Jessica: My mom asked my brother,"Hey! Aren't you forgetting something?", referring to me, and he responded, "Hey! How did you know I forgot my homework!"



1)  How old is her brother?
a) Two years younger
b) Same age
c) Two years older

2)  Where did she all asleep?
a) School
b) The bus stop
c) On the bus

3)  When did she wake up?
a) After the bell rang
b) When the janitor came in
c) When the bus reached the garage

4)  What woke her up?
a) Cleaning sounds
b) Her lunch box fell
c) The alarm clock

5)  What did her brother think he forgot?
a) His homework
b) His football
c) His sister

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