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No.026 Radio Job

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Annili talks about and interesting job she had dealing with radio.



Todd: Anili, have you always been an English teacher?

Anili: No, actually, I started out as a French teacher. That was my first job.

Todd: Wow! So tell me about your first job!

Anili: My first job! I was working in Central West Queensland in Australia so it was a remote place.

Todd: Sure

Anili: For example, the nearest supermarket was about 100 kilometers away from me.

Todd: That's amazing.

Anili: And, so of course the students lived, some of the students lived a long way away from the schools, so they had their lessons by teleconference, actually, school of the air.

Todd: Wow, so when you had a teleconference for example, how many students would be on

the air this time.

Anili: I guess around eight, in two different locations. And I would be in the third location

Todd: Wow, that's amazing!

Anili: Yeah!

Todd: Yeah! And how often would you be teaching like this?

Anili: Well, the students were aged between 9 and 12 years old. They had two French lessons a week by teleconference.

Todd: Wow, and how long was each lesson?

Anili: 45 minutes

Todd: Great. That's really interesting.



1)  Where was the school?
a) On the air
b) On the beach
c) In the city

2)  How did she teach the students?
a) Video
b) Gesture
c) Teleconference

3)  How many students were in each class?
a) 20
b) 18
c) 8

4)  How long were the lessons?
a) 40 minutes
b) 45 minutes
c) 50 minutes

5)  How old were the students?
a) 7-10
b) 9-12
c) 12-19


Todd: Anili, have you always been an English teacher?

Anili: No, actually, I started out as a French teacher. That was my first job.

Todd: Wow! So tell me about your first job!

Anili: My first job! I was working in Central West Queensland in Australia so it was a remote place.

Todd: Sure

Anili: For example, the nearest supermarket was about 100 kilometers away from me.

Todd: That's amazing.

Anili: And, so of course the students lived, some of the students lived a long way away from the schools, so they had their lessons by teleconference, actually, school of the air.

Todd: Wow, so when you had a teleconference for example, how many students would be on

the air this time.

Anili: I guess around eight, in two different locations. And I would be in the third location

Todd: Wow, that's amazing!

Anili: Yeah!

Todd: Yeah! And how often would you be teaching like this?

Anili: Well, the students were aged between 9 and 12 years old. They had two French lessons a week by teleconference.

Todd: Wow, and how long was each lesson?

Anili: 45 minutes

Todd: Great. That's really interesting.



1)  Where was the school?
a) On the air
b) On the beach
c) In the city

2)  How did she teach the students?
a) Video
b) Gesture
c) Teleconference

3)  How many students were in each class?
a) 20
b) 18
c) 8

4)  How long were the lessons?
a) 40 minutes
b) 45 minutes
c) 50 minutes

5)  How old were the students?
a) 7-10
b) 9-12
c) 12-19

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