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No.032 High School

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Kerys talks about her rough and tough school days back in England.



Todd: OK. Kerys, we're going to talk about high school. Um, what was high school like for you?

Kerys: It was a very interesting experience. I was in a high school in a, quite a run-down area.

Todd: Oh, OK.

Kerys: So it was the norm for girls to get pregnant at 14, leave school, and then come back at 16 and do their exams.

Todd: Wow!

Kerys: So it was quite unique.

Todd: At 14?

Kerys: At 14! Yeah.

Todd: Oh, my gosh.

Kerys: So it was quite a strange environment to be in, for somebody who didn't get pregnant and.

Todd: Wow! Was it a rough neighborhood?

Kerys: Yeah.

Todd: OK.

Kerys: Yeah. Yeah.

Todd: But did you have a good time?

Kerys: Yeah, I enjoyed myself. It was great..you now as..I kept myself out of trouble.

Todd: Wow.

Kerys: Which was hard. Cause everyone was getting into trouble, but yeah, it was fun.

Todd: Oh, OK. What do you remember most about high school?

Kerys: I remember that the school dinners were disgusting.

Todd: OK. And did you get good grades in high school?

Kerys: Yeah.

Todd: OK, what was your favorite subject?

Kerys: My favorite subject was drama.

Todd: OK. Do you still act?

Kerys: No.

Todd: OK. Do you still go to theatre?

Kerys: Yeah!

Todd: OK.

Kerys: To watch.

Todd: Just to watch. Great! Thanks a lot Kerys.

Kerys: No worries!



1)  What was high school like for her?
a) Interesting
b) Boring
c) Exciting

2)  Was her high school in a rough neighborhood?
a) Yeah
b) Sort of
c) No

3)  What do she remember most about high school?
a) The fights
b) The parties
c) The dinners

4)  Did you she good grades in high school?
a) Yeah
b) Sort of
c) Not really

5)  What was her favorite subject?
a) English
b) History
c) Drama


Todd: OK. Kerys, we're going to talk about high school. Um, what was high school like for you?

Kerys: It was a very interesting experience. I was in a high school in a, quite a run-down area.

Todd: Oh, OK.

Kerys: So it was the norm for girls to get pregnant at 14, leave school, and then come back at 16 and do their exams.

Todd: Wow!

Kerys: So it was quite unique.

Todd: At 14?

Kerys: At 14! Yeah.

Todd: Oh, my gosh.

Kerys: So it was quite a strange environment to be in, for somebody who didn't get pregnant and.

Todd: Wow! Was it a rough neighborhood?

Kerys: Yeah.

Todd: OK.

Kerys: Yeah. Yeah.

Todd: But did you have a good time?

Kerys: Yeah, I enjoyed myself. It was great..you now as..I kept myself out of trouble.

Todd: Wow.

Kerys: Which was hard. Cause everyone was getting into trouble, but yeah, it was fun.

Todd: Oh, OK. What do you remember most about high school?

Kerys: I remember that the school dinners were disgusting.

Todd: OK. And did you get good grades in high school?

Kerys: Yeah.

Todd: OK, what was your favorite subject?

Kerys: My favorite subject was drama.

Todd: OK. Do you still act?

Kerys: No.

Todd: OK. Do you still go to theatre?

Kerys: Yeah!

Todd: OK.

Kerys: To watch.

Todd: Just to watch. Great! Thanks a lot Kerys.

Kerys: No worries!



1)  What was high school like for her?
a) Interesting
b) Boring
c) Exciting

2)  Was her high school in a rough neighborhood?
a) Yeah
b) Sort of
c) No

3)  What do she remember most about high school?
a) The fights
b) The parties
c) The dinners

4)  Did you she good grades in high school?
a) Yeah
b) Sort of
c) Not really

5)  What was her favorite subject?
a) English
b) History
c) Drama

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