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No.041 Weekend Get-away

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Adrianna is getting out of town for the weedkend. She explains where and why?



Todd: So what are you doing this weekend, Adriana?

Adriana: I'm going to Fukuoka with...to meet my friend.

Todd: Oh, cool, how do you know her?

Adriana: She went to university with me.

Todd: What's she doing in Fukuoka?

Adriana: She's on the Jet Program, teaching.

Todd: Oh, cool. does she like it?

Adriana: Yeah, she likes it. She renewed her contract so this is her third year.

Todd: Excellent. Do you know what you are going to be doing down in Fukuoka?

Adriana: I think she's going to take me to a pub.

Todd: You've not been to any of them in Japan.

Adriana: No, not, first time. And we are going to.....What are we going to do? Oh, we're going to have a Thankgiving celebration on Sunday and we're gonna go to a Karaoke.

Todd:OK, have you been to any Karaoke bars here?

Adriana: Yeah, I went to a Karaoke bar in Roppongi.

Todd:Did you sing?

Adrian:Of course


Todd:Excellent. In English?

Adriana: Ah, yeah! My Japanese isn't too great.



1)  Where is she going?

2)  What does her friend do?
a) Study
b) Nothing
c) Teach

3)  What will she do?
a) Work
b) Go have fun
c) Study

4)  What holiday will she celebrate?
a) Christmas
b) Sho-gatsu
c) Thanksgiving

5)  Can she speak Japanese?
a) Quite well
b) Not a word
c) Not that well


Todd: So what are you doing this weekend, Adriana?

Adriana: I'm going to Fukuoka with...to meet my friend.

Todd: Oh, cool, how do you know her?

Adriana: She went to university with me.

Todd: What's she doing in Fukuoka?

Adriana: She's on the Jet Program, teaching.

Todd: Oh, cool. does she like it?

Adriana: Yeah, she likes it. She renewed her contract so this is her third year.

Todd: Excellent. Do you know what you are going to be doing down in Fukuoka?

Adriana: I think she's going to take me to a pub.

Todd: You've not been to any of them in Japan.

Adriana: No, not, first time. And we are going to.....What are we going to do? Oh, we're going to have a Thankgiving celebration on Sunday and we're gonna go to a Karaoke.

Todd:OK, have you been to any Karaoke bars here?

Adriana: Yeah, I went to a Karaoke bar in Roppongi.

Todd:Did you sing?

Adrian:Of course


Todd:Excellent. In English?

Adriana: Ah, yeah! My Japanese isn't too great.



1)  Where is she going?

2)  What does her friend do?
a) Study
b) Nothing
c) Teach

3)  What will she do?
a) Work
b) Go have fun
c) Study

4)  What holiday will she celebrate?
a) Christmas
b) Sho-gatsu
c) Thanksgiving

5)  Can she speak Japanese?
a) Quite well
b) Not a word
c) Not that well

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