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No.045 Great State

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Tim is from Oregon. He explains it is such a good place to live in the U.S.



Todd: OK. Hey, hello!

Tim: Hey, how's it going?

Todd: Doing pretty good. Could you introduce yourself please?

Tim: Yeah, I'm Tim Peterson. I'm from Oregon in the United States.

Todd: Oh, nice. You're from Oregon.

Tim: Yeah.

Todd: OK, and were you born there?

Tim: Yes, I was born there.

Todd: Oh, really, did you ever live in any other states or..?

Tim: Uh, I lived in Wyoming for a really short time.

Todd: Oh, really.

Tim: And, I've lived in California for a short time too.

Todd: OK. Of those three states, which one is the best?

Tim: Oregon.

Todd: Really? Why?

Tim: It's got lots of nature. It's really beautiful, I think. In the United States probably Oregon and Washington state are the most beautiful.

Todd: Oh, OK.

Tim: Lots, lots of green stuff and the lots of nature. Good mountains, good streams good water.

Todd: Wow! Well, what about Wyoming?

Tim: Wyoming is nice but it is really dry. And it's really sort of dark.

Todd: Oh. OK. Wow, so when you grow old and retire someday, you're a very guy, but when you grow old, would you like to live in Oregon?

Tim: Ah, Oregon or Washington. Maybe Alaska.

Todd: Yeah! Not California?

Tim: No!

Todd: Man, the Golden State.

Tim: Yeah, too many people.

Todd: Alright, Yeah! Ok. Thanks a lot.



1)  Where was Tim born?
a) Wyoming
b) Oregon
c) California

2)  Where else had he lived?
a) Colorado
b) Wyoming
c) Washington

3)  Why does he like Oregon?
a) It is cheap
b) It has big cities
c) It's got lots of nature

4)  What does he not like about Wyoming?
a) It is expensive
b) It has too many people
c) It is dry

5)  Why does he dislike California?
a) Too big
b) Too expensive
c) Too many people


Todd: OK. Hey, hello!

Tim: Hey, how's it going?

Todd: Doing pretty good. Could you introduce yourself please?

Tim: Yeah, I'm Tim Peterson. I'm from Oregon in the United States.

Todd: Oh, nice. You're from Oregon.

Tim: Yeah.

Todd: OK, and were you born there?

Tim: Yes, I was born there.

Todd: Oh, really, did you ever live in any other states or..?

Tim: Uh, I lived in Wyoming for a really short time.

Todd: Oh, really.

Tim: And, I've lived in California for a short time too.

Todd: OK. Of those three states, which one is the best?

Tim: Oregon.

Todd: Really? Why?

Tim: It's got lots of nature. It's really beautiful, I think. In the United States probably Oregon and Washington state are the most beautiful.

Todd: Oh, OK.

Tim: Lots, lots of green stuff and the lots of nature. Good mountains, good streams good water.

Todd: Wow! Well, what about Wyoming?

Tim: Wyoming is nice but it is really dry. And it's really sort of dark.

Todd: Oh. OK. Wow, so when you grow old and retire someday, you're a very guy, but when you grow old, would you like to live in Oregon?

Tim: Ah, Oregon or Washington. Maybe Alaska.

Todd: Yeah! Not California?

Tim: No!

Todd: Man, the Golden State.

Tim: Yeah, too many people.

Todd: Alright, Yeah! Ok. Thanks a lot.



1)  Where was Tim born?
a) Wyoming
b) Oregon
c) California

2)  Where else had he lived?
a) Colorado
b) Wyoming
c) Washington

3)  Why does he like Oregon?
a) It is cheap
b) It has big cities
c) It's got lots of nature

4)  What does he not like about Wyoming?
a) It is expensive
b) It has too many people
c) It is dry

5)  Why does he dislike California?
a) Too big
b) Too expensive
c) Too many people

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