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No.057 Photography

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Theo is a photographer and he shares his thoughs on cameras.



Hi! my name's Theodore and I'd like to talk to you a little about photography. When I first started studying photography I bought myself a fairly good film camera but since then digital cameras have been getting better and cheaper and recently I bought a somewhat expensive digital camera which I think can do just about as well as most film cameras for most things.

I'm particularly into photo-journalism so digital is fast and it gives me all I need for photo-journalism. And some people say that it's starting to get better quality than films, so I think digital is the way forward in the future.



1)  What did Theo buy recently?
a) A digital camera
b) A disposable camera
c) A camera case

2)  What is getting better and cheaper?
a) Film camera
b) Digital camera
c) Film

3)  What is he into?
a) Photo-journalism
b) Teaching photography
c) Nature Photography

4)  What is the way of the future?
a) Digital photography
b) Mini computers
c) Laser photography

5)  How many cameras does he have?
a) None now
b) One
c) At least two


Hi! my name's Theodore and I'd like to talk to you a little about photography. When I first started studying photography I bought myself a fairly good film camera but since then digital cameras have been getting better and cheaper and recently I bought a somewhat expensive digital camera which I think can do just about as well as most film cameras for most things.

I'm particularly into photo-journalism so digital is fast and it gives me all I need for photo-journalism. And some people say that it's starting to get better quality than films, so I think digital is the way forward in the future.



1)  What did Theo buy recently?
a) A digital camera
b) A disposable camera
c) A camera case

2)  What is getting better and cheaper?
a) Film camera
b) Digital camera
c) Film

3)  What is he into?
a) Photo-journalism
b) Teaching photography
c) Nature Photography

4)  What is the way of the future?
a) Digital photography
b) Mini computers
c) Laser photography

5)  How many cameras does he have?
a) None now
b) One
c) At least two

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