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No.099 Vending Machines

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Hisa has a complaint about vending machines. She explains why.



Todd: OK, hello, Hisa!

Hisa: Hi, Todd.

Todd: How are you doing?

Hisa: Fine thanks, and you?

Todd: I'm doing pretty good. Hisa, you were telling me that you have a concern about Japan.

Hisa: Yes.

Todd: And what is your concern?

Hisa: It's vending machines.

Todd: Vending machines

Hisa: Yes.

Todd: OK. Can you talk a little about that?

Hisa: Yes, as you already noticed, how many vending machines do you come across a day if you are on the street?

Todd: Many, many.

Hisa: I really do not think we need that many and then each one is really consuming energy, so that is my big concern.

Todd: OK, so what would you like to see happen in Japan with the vending machines?

Hisa: Sorry, what? where?

Todd: Like, what would you like to happen with the vending machines?

Hisa: Yes.

Todd: Would you like more laws or..?

Hisa: Number 1, it really aggravates the scenery. Yes, and then if each one of us take drink with us, we really don't need that many, each corner, or even one corner you really see so many kinds. And then that is, we can really evacuate so many and then we will have a safer, more space on the road, because even without vending machines, imagine how narrow our roads in Japan, even the walking path so narrow, it's dangerous.

Todd: And you were saying that you can actually can see vending machines in very strange places in Japan, like very, very far places in the countryside?

Hisa: Yes.

Todd: Wow.

Hisa: So, just one example is on the summit of Mt. Fuji. Yes, it's a shame.

Todd: All the way on the top of Mt. Fuji?

Hisa: Yes. So those mountain climbers are talking that don't make our mountains like Mt. Fuji. In other words, they are not to put another vending machine on the top of other mountains, because why we need it.

Todd: Yeah, that's crazy.

Hisa: It's ridiculous.



1)  What does she dislike about vending machines?
a) Not enough
b) Too many
c) They take her money

2)  What do vending machines consume?
a) Energy
b) People
c) Drinks

3)  What do they aggravate?
a) The city
b) The scernery
c) Drinks

4)  How does she describe the roads?
a) Wide
b) Safe
c) Narrow

5)  What is a shame?
a) Machines on Mt. Fuji
b) Machines in the train station
c) Machines at schools


Todd: OK, hello, Hisa!

Hisa: Hi, Todd.

Todd: How are you doing?

Hisa: Fine thanks, and you?

Todd: I'm doing pretty good. Hisa, you were telling me that you have a concern about Japan.

Hisa: Yes.

Todd: And what is your concern?

Hisa: It's vending machines.

Todd: Vending machines

Hisa: Yes.

Todd: OK. Can you talk a little about that?

Hisa: Yes, as you already noticed, how many vending machines do you come across a day if you are on the street?

Todd: Many, many.

Hisa: I really do not think we need that many and then each one is really consuming energy, so that is my big concern.

Todd: OK, so what would you like to see happen in Japan with the vending machines?

Hisa: Sorry, what? where?

Todd: Like, what would you like to happen with the vending machines?

Hisa: Yes.

Todd: Would you like more laws or..?

Hisa: Number 1, it really aggravates the scenery. Yes, and then if each one of us take drink with us, we really don't need that many, each corner, or even one corner you really see so many kinds. And then that is, we can really evacuate so many and then we will have a safer, more space on the road, because even without vending machines, imagine how narrow our roads in Japan, even the walking path so narrow, it's dangerous.

Todd: And you were saying that you can actually can see vending machines in very strange places in Japan, like very, very far places in the countryside?

Hisa: Yes.

Todd: Wow.

Hisa: So, just one example is on the summit of Mt. Fuji. Yes, it's a shame.

Todd: All the way on the top of Mt. Fuji?

Hisa: Yes. So those mountain climbers are talking that don't make our mountains like Mt. Fuji. In other words, they are not to put another vending machine on the top of other mountains, because why we need it.

Todd: Yeah, that's crazy.

Hisa: It's ridiculous.



1)  What does she dislike about vending machines?
a) Not enough
b) Too many
c) They take her money

2)  What do vending machines consume?
a) Energy
b) People
c) Drinks

3)  What do they aggravate?
a) The city
b) The scernery
c) Drinks

4)  How does she describe the roads?
a) Wide
b) Safe
c) Narrow

5)  What is a shame?
a) Machines on Mt. Fuji
b) Machines in the train station
c) Machines at schools

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