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No.0140 Visual Arts

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Jason is a digital artist. He talks about his art and web site.



Todd: Now Jason, you're an artist.

Jason: That's right, yep.

Todd: What kind of artist are you?

Jason: I draw all sorts of things, but mostly I like to draw on the computer, using photoshop.

Todd: Oh, really.

Jason: Things like that.

Todd: OK, was it hard to learn?

Jason: Oh, not really. It's just practice. You know if you feel like you want to draw one day, that means you're an artist I guess.

Todd: Wow, I didn't even know that, I mean I do pictures for the web site, but I didn't know you could draw on the computer.

Jason: Yeah, yeah, that's right. I've made my own web site as well, so.

Todd: Cool. OK, what's the web site address?

Jason: http://www.geocities.com/replicated280781

Todd: OK.

Jason: A bit of a mouthful though.

Todd: Yeah, I'll have to write that one down. That's pretty tough.

Jason: No worries. OK.

Todd: So when people go to your web site what can they see?

Jason: Not a hell of a lot but I did draw everything on there myself, every button every single piece of graphic you see on there I drew, just photographs of me, my friends, drawings that I've done and posted up and not really much else, but it's good if you just want to check it out. Check some photos out.

Todd: I'm sure it's great. Actually I'm going to check it out later tonight. So, I'll link it from my web page to your web page.

Jason: OK.

Todd: Is it OK if people write you?

Jason: Sure. Not a problem. Not a problem. I'd enjoy it.



1)  Who made his web site?
a) He did
b) A friend
c) A company

2)  What are the last digits on his site?
a) 280781
b) 820721
c) 278021

3)  What does he have photos of?
a) People
b) Nature
c) Planes

4)  What is Todd going to do?
a) Help him take photos
b) Learn Photoshop
c) Check out his site

5)  What is it OK to do?
a) Call him
b) Write him
c) Visit him


Todd: Now Jason, you're an artist.

Jason: That's right, yep.

Todd: What kind of artist are you?

Jason: I draw all sorts of things, but mostly I like to draw on the computer, using photoshop.

Todd: Oh, really.

Jason: Things like that.

Todd: OK, was it hard to learn?

Jason: Oh, not really. It's just practice. You know if you feel like you want to draw one day, that means you're an artist I guess.

Todd: Wow, I didn't even know that, I mean I do pictures for the web site, but I didn't know you could draw on the computer.

Jason: Yeah, yeah, that's right. I've made my own web site as well, so.

Todd: Cool. OK, what's the web site address?

Jason: http://www.geocities.com/replicated280781

Todd: OK.

Jason: A bit of a mouthful though.

Todd: Yeah, I'll have to write that one down. That's pretty tough.

Jason: No worries. OK.

Todd: So when people go to your web site what can they see?

Jason: Not a hell of a lot but I did draw everything on there myself, every button every single piece of graphic you see on there I drew, just photographs of me, my friends, drawings that I've done and posted up and not really much else, but it's good if you just want to check it out. Check some photos out.

Todd: I'm sure it's great. Actually I'm going to check it out later tonight. So, I'll link it from my web page to your web page.

Jason: OK.

Todd: Is it OK if people write you?

Jason: Sure. Not a problem. Not a problem. I'd enjoy it.



1)  Who made his web site?
a) He did
b) A friend
c) A company

2)  What are the last digits on his site?
a) 280781
b) 820721
c) 278021

3)  What does he have photos of?
a) People
b) Nature
c) Planes

4)  What is Todd going to do?
a) Help him take photos
b) Learn Photoshop
c) Check out his site

5)  What is it OK to do?
a) Call him
b) Write him
c) Visit him

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