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No.0173 Reading Strategy

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Alexandra talks about the reading skills needed by lawyers.



Todd:So, Alexandra, you're going to be a lawyer.

Alexandra:Yes, I am.

Todd:Very impressive and you're in law school and you were saying that in law school the reading load is very difficult.

Alexandra:Yes, for each class you have to read a few thousand pages over the course of three months, a semester, and it can be very difficult because you have five classes or more depending on your schedule so you end up reading from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep and try not to fall sleep in your book, so that can be difficult, so I try to read for awhile, maybe 50 minutes and take a ten minute break, stand up, walk around the room, and then get back to it or else it's too much information. It won't go in my head.

Todd:Yeah, how do you retain everything?

Alexandra:You just go back. You take notes for every 50 minute block. You stand up at the 10 minute block and stretch, come back and try write down what you read and try to, you know, do small little bullet points of what you read and that sort of keeps it in your mind.

Todd:That's a good strategy. Wow. Do you do anything to actually increase your reading speed?

Alexandra:No, you can't. With law you have to read each word, because each word 
has a particular definition. It could be a procedure in a courtroom which has particular steps, so if you omit words, or skip things you might miss the whole point of the case, so you can't speed read as it were. That's why you need to do it, you read for a long time. You just have to be careful and try to take enough breaks to give yourself a rest.



1) How many pages does she read a semester?
a) A few hundred
b) A few thousand
c) A few million

2) When does she read?
a) In the morning
b) Morning to night
c) Only at night

3) What does she do in her 10 minute break?
a) Drink coffee
b) Jump up and down
c) Stretch

4) When she reads what must she do?
a) Speed read
b) Read each word
c) Copy each word

5) What helps her to get all the information?
a) Take notes (bullet points)
b) Take frequent breaks
c) Do both of these things


Todd:So, Alexandra, you're going to be a lawyer.

Alexandra:Yes, I am.

Todd:Very impressive and you're in law school and you were saying that in law school the reading load is very difficult.

Alexandra:Yes, for each class you have to read a few thousand pages over the course of three months, a semester, and it can be very difficult because you have five classes or more depending on your schedule so you end up reading from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep and try not to fall sleep in your book, so that can be difficult, so I try to read for awhile, maybe 50 minutes and take a ten minute break, stand up, walk around the room, and then get back to it or else it's too much information. It won't go in my head.

Todd:Yeah, how do you retain everything?

Alexandra:You just go back. You take notes for every 50 minute block. You stand up at the 10 minute block and stretch, come back and try write down what you read and try to, you know, do small little bullet points of what you read and that sort of keeps it in your mind.

Todd:That's a good strategy. Wow. Do you do anything to actually increase your reading speed?

Alexandra:No, you can't. With law you have to read each word, because each word 
has a particular definition. It could be a procedure in a courtroom which has particular steps, so if you omit words, or skip things you might miss the whole point of the case, so you can't speed read as it were. That's why you need to do it, you read for a long time. You just have to be careful and try to take enough breaks to give yourself a rest.



1) How many pages does she read a semester?
a) A few hundred
b) A few thousand
c) A few million

2) When does she read?
a) In the morning
b) Morning to night
c) Only at night

3) What does she do in her 10 minute break?
a) Drink coffee
b) Jump up and down
c) Stretch

4) When she reads what must she do?
a) Speed read
b) Read each word
c) Copy each word

5) What helps her to get all the information?
a) Take notes (bullet points)
b) Take frequent breaks
c) Do both of these things

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