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No.0217 College Pasttimes

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Alex talks about things students do for fun at university in the U. S.



Todd:So, Alex, you're still at university.

Alex:Yes, sir

Todd:So, what's a typical day at university like?

Alex:A typical day at my school, let's see, well I would usually get up, well last semester; I would get up around 8 or so. My first class would be at 9:10. It'd be an hour so around 10:10 I'd get out of class, you know, have lunch, and I was actually a part of the college radio station

Todd:Oh, really.

Alex:So yeah, I'd hang out there, play some music, you know, joke around, play some pool, go to class. It wasn't too bad.

Todd:Yeah, where do you play pool?

Alex:Oh, well, anyplace that I can really. There's a pool table right next to my radio station at school so I usually play a lot there - a place called Mr. Pockets, too, where I live. They're pretty inexpensive so, I play there too, but I'm not very good. Like the pool table at my college was, it was a bar pool table so you have to pay money for it, 50 cents a game, and I must have put at least a hundred dollars in there and I'm not any better than when I started out, so I don't know.

Todd:That's OK you have other talents.

Alex:I guess.

Todd:What's the allure of pool? Why do college kids like to play pool?

Alex:Oh, I have, it's really a mystery, it's very ambiguous. I don't know. It's just the pool tables there and something with hitting balls with a stick into little holes, maybe, but it's a lot of fun. I don't know why I like it as much as I do but even though I'm not so good I like to play some pool.



1)  When is his first class?
a) 8:10
b) 9:10
c) 10:10

2)  Where does he work part-time?
a) A bar
b) A pool hall
c) A radio station

3)  How much is a game of pool?
a) 25 cents
b) 50 cents
c) 100 cents

4)  Has he gotten better at playing pool ?
a) Yes, a lot
b) Yes, only some though
c) Not at all

5)  What is a mystery to him?
a) How to get good at pool
b) Why pool is so popular
c) Why more people don't like pool


Todd:So, Alex, you're still at university.

Alex:Yes, sir

Todd:So, what's a typical day at university like?

Alex:A typical day at my school, let's see, well I would usually get up, well last semester; I would get up around 8 or so. My first class would be at 9:10. It'd be an hour so around 10:10 I'd get out of class, you know, have lunch, and I was actually a part of the college radio station

Todd:Oh, really.

Alex:So yeah, I'd hang out there, play some music, you know, joke around, play some pool, go to class. It wasn't too bad.

Todd:Yeah, where do you play pool?

Alex:Oh, well, anyplace that I can really. There's a pool table right next to my radio station at school so I usually play a lot there - a place called Mr. Pockets, too, where I live. They're pretty inexpensive so, I play there too, but I'm not very good. Like the pool table at my college was, it was a bar pool table so you have to pay money for it, 50 cents a game, and I must have put at least a hundred dollars in there and I'm not any better than when I started out, so I don't know.

Todd:That's OK you have other talents.

Alex:I guess.

Todd:What's the allure of pool? Why do college kids like to play pool?

Alex:Oh, I have, it's really a mystery, it's very ambiguous. I don't know. It's just the pool tables there and something with hitting balls with a stick into little holes, maybe, but it's a lot of fun. I don't know why I like it as much as I do but even though I'm not so good I like to play some pool.



1)  When is his first class?
a) 8:10
b) 9:10
c) 10:10

2)  Where does he work part-time?
a) A bar
b) A pool hall
c) A radio station

3)  How much is a game of pool?
a) 25 cents
b) 50 cents
c) 100 cents

4)  Has he gotten better at playing pool ?
a) Yes, a lot
b) Yes, only some though
c) Not at all

5)  What is a mystery to him?
a) How to get good at pool
b) Why pool is so popular
c) Why more people don't like pool

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