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No.0280 Boxing Day

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Mark talks about what he does on Boxing Day.



Todd:So Mark, what happens on Boxing Day?

Mark:On Boxing Day in England it's usually football day. Everybody goes and watches the football. Usually all the family go, so maybe granddad and grandma will go. In England on Boxing Day, it's usually the highest attendances of the year.

Todd:Oh, really.

Mark:Yeah, so we wake up on boxing day around about 11 o'clock, usually with a big hangover because we've been drinking of Christmas 
day, and so to get rid of the hangover, what do we do, we actually drink more alcohol, so we usually go to the bar around 11, drink a lot of beer, and then go the football around about 2 and watch the game.

Todd:What's it like at the stadium?

Mark:Usually a really good atmosphere on boxing day, because, yeah and there are really big crowds and everybody is really happy cause it's Christmas so usually there's some guys dressed as Santa Clause or people are wearing like Christmas decorations and it's a really good atmosphere.



1)  What does he like to do on boxing day?
a) Watch football
b) Drink beer
c) Both

2)  Who does he spend time with ?
a) His family
b) His friends
c) His girlfriend

3)  What time does he get up ?
a) 7 o'clock
b) 9 o'clock
c) 11 o'clock

4)  Where does he go before the game?
a) Church
b) The pub
c) His friend's house

5)  What do people do at the game ?
a) Sing songs
b) Dress up
c) Sleep


Todd:So Mark, what happens on Boxing Day?

Mark:On Boxing Day in England it's usually football day. Everybody goes and watches the football. Usually all the family go, so maybe granddad and grandma will go. In England on Boxing Day, it's usually the highest attendances of the year.

Todd:Oh, really.

Mark:Yeah, so we wake up on boxing day around about 11 o'clock, usually with a big hangover because we've been drinking of Christmas 
day, and so to get rid of the hangover, what do we do, we actually drink more alcohol, so we usually go to the bar around 11, drink a lot of beer, and then go the football around about 2 and watch the game.

Todd:What's it like at the stadium?

Mark:Usually a really good atmosphere on boxing day, because, yeah and there are really big crowds and everybody is really happy cause it's Christmas so usually there's some guys dressed as Santa Clause or people are wearing like Christmas decorations and it's a really good atmosphere.



1)  What does he like to do on boxing day?
a) Watch football
b) Drink beer
c) Both

2)  Who does he spend time with ?
a) His family
b) His friends
c) His girlfriend

3)  What time does he get up ?
a) 7 o'clock
b) 9 o'clock
c) 11 o'clock

4)  Where does he go before the game?
a) Church
b) The pub
c) His friend's house

5)  What do people do at the game ?
a) Sing songs
b) Dress up
c) Sleep

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